Electronic serial publications

PROQUEST Central provides access to full text and abstracts from scientific research journals in online format.

Emerald Management is the scientific research and documentation platform of the Emerald Editorial Group. The company is best known for its economic publications.

SpringerLink Journals is the scientific research and documentation platform of the prestigious Springer publishing house.

Nature Publishing Group publishes over 100 journals (of which 86 with ISI impact factor) and online databases in the fields of life sciences, physical sciences, applied sciences and clinical medicine.

Cambridge Journals provides access to the full text of scientific research journals in online format without any other magnetic or paper media.

Open access to Cambridge Journals

The Wiley Online Library is home to the world’s largest multidisciplinary collection of online resources, covering areas such as life sciences, medicine and physical sciences, social sciences and humanities.

Science Direct is a scientific research and documentation platform of Elsevier Publishing.

JSTOR is a database created by a non-profit organization that collaborates with the academic community.

Open access to JSTOR & ARTSTOR

C.E.E.O.L. is an internationally recognized database, which contains documents fully indexed in the fields of humanities and social sciences, from Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe.

Electronic books

The Science Direct research and documentation platform offers users several collections of e-books in the fields of science, technology and medicine (STM).

SpringerLink is the scientific research and documentation platform of the prestigious Springer publishing house.

Taylor & Francis books is a research and documentary platform that hosts online books and reference materials published by Taylor & Francis, Routledge, Psychology Press and Focal Press.

Cambridge Companions Online is a series of thematic collections of scientific papers from the prestigious Cambridge University.

The World Bank offers users of the Central University Library “Carol I” in Bucharest free access to collections of publications.

Users of the Central University Library “Carol I” have free access to collections of scientific papers Eumed.net

De Gruyter has been publishing top-level academic papers for over 260 years. Located in Berlin, the company launches more than 1,300 new titles each year in humanities, social sciences, medicine, natural sciences and law, offering a wide range of digital content.

The books published by CABI Publishing House are recognized worldwide for the quality of the information they provide and for their usefulness in the research process.

Bibliometric, specialized and reference databases

Clarivate Analytics has a bold mission to accelerate the pace of innovation. To meet the needs of users, Clarivate provides first-class content, reliable analytics, and innovation and technology tools.

MathSciNet is a specialized mathematics database that contains reviews, abstracts, and bibliographic information for much of the specialized literature.

The Oxford English Dictionary is one of the most valuable explanatory dictionaries of the English language being published by the prestigious Oxford University Press.

Scopus is a significant bibliographic and bibliometric database of revised scientific literature: scientific journals, books, conference papers