Încarc Evenimente


16th – 18th April 2024

Under the High Patronage of the President of the Chamber of Deputies and the Romanian Government

Palace of Parliament – I.I.C. Brătianu Hall, Take Ionescu Hall, Unirii Hall

Tuesday, 16th of April 2024 | 09:30 – 17:00 (EET)

3rd edition of the


"Safeguarding in the Digital Era: The Dialogues of Cyber Diplomacy"

Palace of Parliament, Take Ionescu Hall

09:30 – 10:00

Welcoming Coffee

10:00 – 11:00

Opening Remarks

11:00 – 11:35

International Consensus on Emerging Technologies: Addressing the Growing Need for a Common Agenda

Explore the need for global consensus on new technologies and cybersecurity challenges, emphasizing diplomatic cooperation and information sharing.

  • Importance of Consensus Building in Addressing Emerging Technologies.
  • Leveraging Cyber Diplomacy for Technological Innovation and Security.
  • Strategies for Enhancing Global Cooperation in Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Protection.

11:35 – 11:50

Networking Coffee Break

11:50 – 12:25

Bridging Borders: Regional Diplomatic Initiatives in Cybersecurity and Technology

Investigate regional cooperation dynamics, focusing on cybersecurity challenges and diplomatic strategies for collaboration.

  • Regional Cooperation: Opportunities and Challenges.
  • Perspectives on Emerging Technologies and Digital Transformation.
  • Diplomatic Strategies for Addressing Cross-Border Cyber Threats.

12:25 – 13:00

On the Brink: Anticipating New Frontiers of Cyber Threats and Disinformation

Examine emerging cyber threats and disinformation campaigns, exploring diplomatic responses and proactive measures to safeguard global security.

  • AI's Role in Disinformation Campaigns: Challenges and Diplomatic Responses.
  • Identifying proactive measures and resilience strategies to mitigate the impact of cyber threats.
  • Diplomatic Approaches to Defending Against Novel Cyber Threats.

13:00 – 13:50

Networking Lunch

13:50 – 14:25

Cyberdiplomat's Craft: The Art of Diplomacy in the Digital Age

Discuss strategies for diplomats to navigate challenges in the digital era, emphasizing digital literacy, corporate initiatives, and government cooperation.

  • Tools and Skills for Diplomatic Success in the Digital Era.
  • Impact of Technologies on Diplomatic Relations: Past vs. Present.
  • Leveraging Digital Diplomacy for Stakeholder Engagement and Public Perception Management.

14:25 – 15:00

Digital Economy: Fostering a Secure and Prosperous Digital Trade Environment

Promote a secure digital trade environment through corporate initiatives, digital literacy, and government cooperation, fostering prosperity and cybersecurity.

  • Corporate Strategies for Promoting Cyber Diplomacy Objectives.
  • Empowering Digital Literacy for Secure Engagement in the Digital Economy.
  • Government Cooperation and SME Cybersecurity Enhancement.

15:00 – 15:15

Networking Coffee Break

15:15 – 15:50

Charting the Digital Landscape: AI and Beyond in Modern Governance

Explore the balance between digital sovereignty and multi-stakeholder models in internet governance, highlighting diplomatic challenges and opportunities for collaboration.

  • Diplomatic Considerations in Multi-stakeholder Digital Governance.
  • The potential of AI and other emerging technologies in aiding democratic processes and initiatives.
  • International Cooperation for Innovative and Secure Cyber Policies.

15:50 – 16:25

Towards Global Harmony: Collaborative Legal Frameworks for Emerging Technologies

Advocate for collaborative legal frameworks in emerging technologies through diplomatic channels, partnerships with technology companies, and promotion of ethical standards.

  • Diplomatic Initiatives for International Agreements on Cybersecurity.
  • Collaborative Partnerships for Responsible Behaviour in the Digital Realm.
  • Diplomatic Strategies for Promoting Ethical and Innovative Technological Development.

16:25 – 16:35

Closing Remarks


Day 2

Wednesday, 17th of April 2024 | 09:30 – 17:00 (EET)

7th edition of the


"Critical Infrastructure Protection 2024"

Palace of Parliament, Take Ionescu Hall

09:30 – 10:00

Welcoming Coffee

10:00 – 10:05

Welcoming Remarks

10:05 – 12:30

Opening and Ministerial Remarks

12:30 – 13:15

Networking Delegate Lunch

13:15 – 13:45

Cooperation Agreement Signing

  • Building the Future Based on Blockchain Intelligence
  • The Urgent Need for Blockchain Intelligence - The Time is Now

13:45 – 14:35

Bridging the Gaps in Blockchain Intelligence

Discussion on how regulators, policymakers, law enforcement officials, compliance professionals and financial institutions are experiencing serious gaps in blockchain intelligence, and the dangers this gap creates.


  • Insights on the need for greater cross-border cooperation and information-sharing on blockchain transaction intelligence.
  • Assessing the value of blockchain intelligence training and how it can help close the knowledge and capability gap to better inform policy making and enforcement.
  • Analyze existing blockchain intelligence tools and their limitations, and discussing the need to maximize the economic benefits of blockchain technology, whilst minimizing illicit activity.

14:35 – 14:45

Networking Coffee Break

14:45 – 15:45

Unveiling the Future: Launch of ICI D|SERVICES NFT Museum and Expert Panel Discussion

The launch of ICI Bucharest's NFT Museum, merging cultural heritage with digital innovation, showcasing the preservation and reimagination of cultural legacies.

NFT Museum Launch: Celebrate the opening of ICI Bucharest's NFT Museum, blending cultural heritage with digital innovation.

  • NFTs in Cultural Preservation: Examine how NFTs preserve and revitalize cultural heritage, transforming art engagement.
  • Digital Art Innovation: Discuss blockchain's impact on art and museums, enhancing authenticity and accessibility.
  • Future Vision: Showcase ICI Bucharest's leadership in using digital technologies to protect and honor cultural heritage.

15:45 – 16:25

She’s Leading: Empowering Leadership and Change

#ShesLeading celebrates women's pivotal roles in society and business, aiming to highlight women leaders, innovators, and visionaries, showcasing their essential contributions to innovation, resilience, and inclusivity across various fields.

  • Elevate Women's Leadership: Highlight women's leadership and innovation, uplifting silenced voices.
  • Empowerment across the Spectrum: Advance women's roles in education and careers.
  • Break Barriers: Combat obstacles to women's leadership with inclusivity and diversity.
  • Empower Networks: Foster mentorship and networking for women, emphasizing community support.

16:25 – 16:55

Case Study Showcase

Connecting the Dots - Terrorists, Scammers, and State Actors


Jonathan Reiter, CEO and Chief Data Scientist of ChainArgos, takes us through a series of actual cases demonstrating how blockchain intelligence can be used to link terrorists, scammers, and state actors, by tracking the transactions and endpoints that demonstrate the overlap between these different counterparties that ought not have any obvious relationship with each other.


Networking Dinner

Day 3


Thursday, 18th of April 2024 | 09:00 – 17:00 (EET)

7th edition of the


"Critical Infrastructure Protection 2024"

Palace of Parliament, Take Ionescu Hall

09:00 – 10:50

Unlocking the Digital Future – Innovative Solution Showcase

10:50 – 11:00

Coffee Break

11:00 – 11:45

Shaping the Future Together: Integrating CIP Strategies with Demographic Dynamics for Enhanced Family, Youth, and Equal Opportunities

Explore the intersection of CIP strategies and demographic trends to benefit families, youth, and ensure equal opportunities.

  • Demographic Dynamics: Integrating CIP with evolving population trends.
  • Youth and Family in CIP: Tailoring protection strategies for diverse needs.
  • Equal Opportunities: Leveraging CIP for inclusivity across demographics.
  • Innovative Approaches: Adapting CIP to benefit all societal segments.
  • Building Resilient Communities: Strategies for inclusive critical infrastructure.

11:45 – 12:30

Securing Resilience and Integrity: Strategies for Agricultural Supply Chains and Food Safety

Address the vital role of CIP in ensuring the resilience and integrity of agricultural supply chains and food safety.

  • Agricultural Resilience: Strengthening supply chains against disruptions.
  • Food Safety Assurance: Applying CIP for comprehensive food security.
  • Innovation in Agri-Supply Chains: Advancing technology for resilient agriculture.
  • Collaboration for Integrity: Partnering for secure and efficient food systems.
  • Policy and Practice: Shaping frameworks for resilient agricultural infrastructures.

12:30 – 13:15

Networking Lunch

13:15 – 14:05

Enhancing Active Aging Through CIP: Building Resilient Infrastructures for an Age-Diverse Society

Focus on CIP to support active aging and create resilient infrastructures for an age-diverse society.

  • Active Aging in CIP: Adapting infrastructures for aging populations.
  • Age-Diverse Resilience: Strategies for inclusive critical infrastructure.
  • Innovation for All Ages: CIP solutions benefiting multiple generations.
  • Societal Impact: Enhancing quality of life through age-inclusive CIP.
  • Collaborative Frameworks: Engaging stakeholders for comprehensive solutions.

14:05 – 14:45

Smart & Secure Cities and Sustainable Development: Building Resilient Communities

Delve into the nexus of smart technology, security, and sustainability for community resilience.

  • Smart Cities and Security: Integrating advanced technologies for safer urban environments.
  • Sustainable Development Goals: Aligning city planning with sustainability and resilience.
  • Community Resilience: Strategies for building strong, adaptable communities.
  • Technology for Sustainability: Leveraging innovations for environmental and social well-being.
  • Collaborative Urban Planning: Engaging stakeholders for comprehensive, resilient development.

14:45 – 15:00

Coffee Break

15:00 – 15:40

Emergency Preparedness for Energy Infrastructure Disruptions

Focus on the preparedness and response strategies for energy infrastructure facing potential emergencies and disruptions.

  • Preparedness Planning: Developing robust plans for energy infrastructure resilience.
  • Mitigating Risks: Strategies to reduce vulnerabilities in energy systems.
  • Rapid Response Mechanisms: Enhancing capabilities for swift emergency action.
  • Building Resilient Energy Systems: Innovations for durable and sustainable energy infrastructure.
  • Stakeholder Cooperation: Collaborative efforts for comprehensive emergency preparedness.

15:40 – 16:10

City Halls as Catalysts: Integrating CIP with Municipal Guidance for Urban Safety and Prosperity

Examine on the role of city halls in leveraging Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) for enhanced urban safety and prosperity.

  • Municipal Leadership in CIP: City halls as central figures in urban resilience.
  • Urban Safety Strategies: CIP applications for safeguarding public spaces and services.
  • Prosperous Communities: The impact of CIP on economic and social well-being.
  • Engaging Citizens: Involving the community in CIP for a collaborative approach.
  • Future-Proofing Cities: Innovative practices for sustainable and resilient urban development.

16:10 – 16:50

Integrating Sustainability into Critical Infrastructure: Challenges & Opportunities

Explore the integration of sustainability principles into critical infrastructure to enhance resilience and efficiency, while addressing environmental concerns.

  • Sustainability Meets CIP: Bridging green initiatives with infrastructure protection.
  • Overcoming Challenges: Tackling barriers to sustainable infrastructure development.
  • Opportunity Landscape: Leveraging sustainability for improved CIP outcomes.
  • Future-Forward Infrastructures: Showcasing innovations for eco-friendly critical systems.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Fostering collaboration for sustainable CIP strategies.

16:50 – 17:00

Closing Remarks
